Conference 2022

The Inaugural ICMT Conference 2022
30 days of events and access!
May 4th – June 3rd, 2022.

The inaugural ICMT conference focuses on key topics fundamental to building a productive culture for collaboration to advance the science and practice of manual therapies. Our working groups – teams of clinical, academic, and research professionals – will have worked on these topics for two years. They are excited to present the unprecedented product of their collaborative work to you at the conference.

What makes this conference different and exciting?

The ICMT Conference is interactive; in most conferences, participants just watch and listen to lectures but at ICMT, participants actively engage in the entire program.

You will be working with respected colleagues and peers from across the many manual therapy disciplines to collaboratively discuss the latest insights into manual therapies and to help shape future collaboration and research.

Join your colleagues via an interactive web conference.

The inaugural ICMT Conference is not to be missed!

Keynote speakers

Helene Langevin, M.D.

Director, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Dr. Langevin will be presenting, “Lessons learned from and future directions for manual therapy research.

As the principal investigator of several NIH-funded studies, Dr. Langevin’s research interests center around the role of connective tissue in chronic musculoskeletal pain and the mechanisms of acupuncture, manual, and movement-based therapies.

Read Dr. Langevin’s full biography on the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’s webpage.

Lars Arendt-Neilsen, Dr. Med., Ph.D.

Founder & Director, Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction (SMI),
Professor, Department of Health Science and Technology, School of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark.  
Past President, International Association for the Study of Pain

Dr. Arendt-Nielsen will be speaking on the “Experience of sustained collaboration – why stepping outside of silos is important in science and patient care.”

Dr. Arendt-Nielsen has been engaging in pain research, pain education, and pain policy for more than 30 years and has published more than 910 peer-reviewed papers.

See Dr. Arendt-Nielsen’s full profile on Aalborg University’s web portal.

Partap S. Khalsa, D.C., Ph.D.

Director, Division of Extramural Activities, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Dr. Khalsa will be presenting “Translating science to clinical practice.”

As the Director of the Division of Extramural Activities (DEA). Dr. Khalsa plans, leads, and directs the activities of scientists and technical support personnel within DEA to ensure quality, objectivity, and accountability in the grants and contracts, peer review, and committee management processes.

Read Dr. Khalsa’s full biography on the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’s webpage.

Alex H. Tuttle, Ph.D.

Program Director, Basic and Mechanistic Research Branch, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Dr. Tuttle will be presenting “Translating science to clinical practice.”

As a Program Director in the Basic and Mechanistic Research Branch at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), I oversee manual therapy and force-based manipulation portfolios as well as a portion of NCCIH’s pain preclinical and translational research portfolios.

Read Dr. Tuttle’s full biography on the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’s webpage.

Conference Objectives

ICMT Conference 2022 offers the latest scientific presentations while engaging practitioners and researchers across the manual therapy spectrum in three topic areas.

Report and evaluate

Report and evaluate the latest advances in basic and clinical research in fields related to manual therapies via plenary, oral presentations, posters, and breakout sessions.


Promote active participation in interprofessional breakout sessions designed to clarify and focus common basic and clinical research platforms and priorities.


Collaborate to build new interprofessional relationships with leading international researchers in manual therapies.

Topic Area One

Defining Manual Therapy Procedures across professions to promote understanding and a lexicon for communication.

Topic Area Two

Summarizing Physiological Theories put forth by professions explaining the proposed impact of manual therapies on the body and comparing them to current evidence.

Topic Area Three

Reporting and explaining current and future biomedical approaches that have been or may be helpful as Mechanisms of action of manual therapies.  

Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in small group sessions to contribute to the working groups’ outcomes and prepare priorities for research and future ICMT conferences.

Conference Highlights

Presentations reveal the latest research advances in manual therapies

Plenary speakers and oral sessions by internationally recognized researchers in manual therapies

Interactive, innovative and thought-provoking breakout sessions

Poster sessions with cutting-edge research in manual therapies

Interprofessional collaboration with researchers and practitioners

The ICMT approach

We recognize and value the different cultures, disciplines, and manual therapy backgrounds that provide various perspectives and skillsets when providing healthcare services.  

We know manual procedures are done by many professions and by numerous practitioners. However, there is no place where practitioners and researchers can collaborate in an open‐minded, supportive, progressive and respectful multi‐professional environment to discuss ways to advance the practice and science of manual therapies. 

The ICMT vision

We assert that the advancement of the broad field of manual therapy and the quality of patient care it provides will be hastened through accurate understanding and communication about practice, educational principles and research designs and outcomes between the various manual therapy professions/disciplines.  

This process will not result in everyone looking the same or doing the same thing.  The Consortium will help us understand our similarities and differences and facilitate the development of our individual styles of care.

The founding members of the International Consortium on Manual Therapies are establishing such an environment.

Practitioners who provide manual therapy are encouraged to attend

Athletic trainers
Doctors of Chiropractic
Doctors of Oriental medicine
Doctors of physical therapy
Manual medicine physicians
Massage therapists
Occupational therapists
Osteopathic physicians
Physical therapists
Structural Integration practitioners

Researchers in these fields are encouraged to attend

Motor control

Thank you to our sponsors for your support.

  • Financial Underwriter

Conference Location
A virtual collaborative environment.

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