Webinar 2021

“The International Consortium on Manual Therapies – Who we are, why we are here, what we are doing and why you should get involved.”

Join us for a dynamic discussion about the enduring challenges facing manual therapies, and a grassroots effort to overcome them through communication, cooperation and science-based collaboration.

Keynote speaker

Ronald Glick, MD is trained in psychiatry and physical medicine and rehabilitation and is an associate professor in those departments at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. For the last 20 years, he has served as the Medical Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at UPMC. His clinical practice centers around integrative management of pain and mental health difficulties. Additionally, he’s involved in medical education and clinical research at Pitt.

Schedule and Program overview

General Welcome and Overview – Brian Degenhardt, DO

Current utilization and societal issues/conditions being treated with manual therapies – evidence-based scope of careDavid Lesondak, BCSI

NIH/NCCAM/NCCIH: Catalyzing Manual Therapies from Science to Clinical Care  – Norman W Kettner, DC, DACBR, DCBCN, FICC

Isolation versus collaboration – barriers and opportunities for interprofessional collaboration –  Sandy Fritz, MS LMT, BCTMB

Experiences in collaboration/integrationRonald Glick, MD 

Introducing the International Consortium on Manual Therapies (ICMT) – Paul Standley, PhD

Fundamental challenges to promote collaboration
Topic 1:  NomenclaturePatrick L.S. van Dun, DO (Europe)

Topic 2:  Understanding hypothesized mechanisms of action Bernie Landels, BCSI

Topic 3:  Current evidence-based understanding of mechanisms underlying manual therapiesWilliam Reed, DC, PhD & James Cox, DC, DACBR, FICC

Establishment of working groups (process to generate solutions to challenges)
A brief overview of past and current activitiesJeffrey Montoya, DHPE, LMT, BCTMB moderator
Featuring: Leah Frank, DO, Erin Kelley, LMT, Bernie Landels, BCSI, David Lesondak, BCSI, Rick Wetherald, DPT, OCS, Linda Wheatland Smith, D.C.

Overview of the program for ICMT’s inaugural 2022 conference Francesco Cerritelli, PhD, DO (Europe)

Long term vision for ICMT – Rick Wetherald, DPT, OCS

Registrants’ Role and Expectations in ICMT Conference I – Kendi Hensel, DO, PhD, FAAO

Questions and DiscussionBrian Degenhardt, DO

Webinar staff, support, and technical members: Jessica Corrick, MHA, Leah Frank, DO, G. Franklin, MBA, Erin Kelley, LMT.

Invitations from our speakers

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