Helene Langevin, M.D. Keynote Speaker for ICMT Conference 2022

For Immediate Release

(Kirksville, MO) Helene Langevin, M.D. Director, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) confirmed as a keynote speaker for the International Consortium of Manual Therapies (ICMT) Conference 2022. Dr. Langevin will be presenting, “Lessons learned from and future directions for manual therapy research.

Helene Langevin, M.D. is the principal investigator of several NIH-funded studies, Dr. Langevin’s research interests center around the role of connective tissue in chronic musculoskeletal pain and the mechanisms of acupuncture, manual, and movement-based therapies. Her more recent work has focused on the effects of stretching on inflammation resolution mechanisms within connective tissue. She has authored more than 70 original scientific papers and is a fellow of the American College of Physicians.

As NCCIH director, Dr. Langevin oversees the Federal government’s lead agency for scientific research on the diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.

Researchers in manual therapies will join together in May of 2022, for the inaugural International Consortium on Manual Therapies (ICMT) Conference. The ICMT is an organization of assembled international leaders dedicated to advancing the quality of patient and client care provided by practitioners of manual therapy through scientific collaboration. The ICMT working groups draw from the basic sciences, chiropractic, massage therapy, osteopathic, physical therapy and structural integration professions bringing modern clinician viewpoints together with scientific research foundations. The ICMT Conference 2022, hosted by the A.T. Still Research Institute, a division of A.T. Still University, is a conference held globally via an interactive web platform. The Conference program will actively engage attendees to help shape the future of collaboration and research in manual therapies.


(2022.01.10 – corrected venue location and dates for the conference.)

The International Consortium on Manual Therapies (ICMT)
A.T. Still Research Institute
A.T. Still University
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Helene Langevin, M.D.’s portal at NCCIH

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